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Google Quality Score

Quality Score is a Google Adwords term which is based on certain factors. This works like an interface assigns some points to each keyword out of 10, and highest the numbers means highest quality score and the highest quality score means high ranking in search engine. Quality score is very important for an advertiser because with good quality score your cost can be reduced to almost half without any effect on clicks and impressions.

Following factors directly effect Quality Score:

1. CTR% of a keyword: Low CTR of a keyword specifies that the ads shown on that keyword are not getting clicked and therefore are not of user interests. There could be two reasons for low CTR- lower position or irrelevant ad. It can be overcome by increasing the bids to show the ads at higher position or change the adcreative. Increasing the bids may increase the cost for some time but after achieving good CTR, minimum required bid goes down. But sometimes keyword remains costly because of the competitors bids and in such case the cost will not come down.

2. Relevancy: Relevancy is important for Google to decide that their end users (searchers) are getting best results and are not misleaded. Relevancy should exist between three elements - keyword, adcreative and the landing page. If an advertiser is able to crack this relevancy theory then he enjoys the top rankings without bidding high for his keywords.

Apart from above mentioned main factors there are certain hidden factors that are never disclosed.

Sometimes even with a Good CTR and relevant set of adgroups, keywords remain costly and don't give good results. For such cases the hidden factors could be responsible which can be your competitors quality, their landing page, your landing page problem or anything that you don't know.

Similar term is used in Overture as Quality Index, but in overture adcreatives are scaled rather than keywords. Fundamentals for measurement are same as adwords CTR, Relevancy and Other Hidden Factors.

There is nothing like a Quality Score or Quality Index in most of the search engines but they also use the same factors for ranking the keywords. So wether there is a name for this thing or not but ranking procedure works similar on all the search engines.

Always manage your campaings keeping in mind the known factors for achieving high quality score, it gives success not all the times but most of the times.

Read the Related Google Adwords Learning Center Lesson through the following link:


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